Sharing practical & personal knowledge to help all athletes exceed expectations!
Journey to new horizons
At NPT HealthWorks, runners come to us for maintenance, proactive physical therapy, sports performance training, and general recovery work. Our doctors of physical therapy assess biomechanics limitations and identify asymmetries that develop through the repetitive nature of the sport. We create personalized plans to resolve/prevent chronic conditions and overuse injuries, while simultaneously improving sports performance through training and recovery programs.
• One-On-One appointments with a doctor of physical therapy
• Comprehensive Biomechanical Assessment
• Performance Training
• Pliability, Mobility, & Strength
• Recovery Work
• Injury Management & Prevention
• Testing and Innovation
• Customizable packages that may include: physical therapy, performance coaching, and/or mental therapy

Pre- & Post-Run Routines
For most of us, lacing up our sneakers and heading out the door is the usual routine. No stretch, no warm-up just GO! But, a pre-run activation routine can go a long way in getting your body ready to move.
- High Knees: 1 minute
- Butt Kicks: 1 min
- Walking Lunges with Rotation: 10x each side
- Internal Rotation Activation: 10x each side
- Hamstring Activation: 10x each side
It is important to take advantage of warm muscles and kick-start recovery before the next run.
- Glute Stretch: 2×30 sec hold each side – Laying on your back with both knees bent, pull one leg up and across your body driving the knee to the opposite shoulder. Use the other leg as a kickstand to prevent your body from rotating.
- Hip Flexor Stretch: 2×30 sec hold each side – Kneeling on 1 knee, posteriorly rotate your pelvis by pulling your belly button to your spine and tucking your hips under. You should feel the stretch in the front of the leg/hip of the knee that is down.
- Hip Internal Rotation Stretch: 2×30 sec hold each side – Laying on your back with both knees bent, walk one foot out to the side and drop the knee towards the table. Keep your hips square on the table.
- Calf Stretch: 2×30 sec hold each side – Using a step or curb, hang both heels off until you feel a stretch behind the lower leg. Complete with knees straight, as well as with knees bent.
Reduce the Risk of Overuse Injuries from Running
The most common injuries for runners are overuse injuries many of which can be prevented. Here are a few tips to keep you running pain-free this season.
Before heading out for a high-impact and dynamic activity like running, it is best to do a brief active warm-up. This can include a slow jog or walk, high knees, butt kicks, jumping jacks, or even a side shuffle.
Increase running
Increase running patiently. It takes time for your body to get comfortable with increasing miles, so stick to the 10% rule. Do not add more than 10% of your weekly miles between weeks, and make sure to include down weeks in your training. Doing too much too fast is a sure way to cause injury!
Work on technique
Think about feeling tall when you are running. Keep your head up, but don’t lead with your chin, and make sure your hips are tucked in behind you. Keep your stride comfortable, and pretend you have potato chips in your hands so you are nice and relaxed in your upper body.
Strength training is the difference-maker when it comes to efficient and healthy running. Specific muscles, such as our glutes and core, are integral for running. But, your upper body and even the muscles of your feet are important too. Strength training 2x per week can ensure you can build your mileage, increase your speed, and avoid injury.
Get Fitted
We all love a new pair of shoes right?? At NPT HealthWorks, we LOVE the design of On Running shoes and encourage all runners to come in to test them out. However, we recognize that footwear is a unique decision and there are many different makes and models to choose from. The most important thing is to get a fit that ensures your feet and body are happy during your runs.